Saturday, March 1, 2014



“Malatonach comes...” Danni said again.

            “Well, if that's the case,” Donovan said, “he's in for a rude awakening. He's gonna' have to play without his friends.” Then he addressed the entire group. “Everybody hot?”

            They agreed that they were. Locked, loaded, and hot. “Then let's let these motherfuckers have it!”


As he stood up everyone followed his lead. As he fired his Desert Eagle down into the crowd, others fired assault rifles and shotguns.

            Sea spawn screamed, high-pitched cries, that were compromised from the onslaught of the group.

            The larger of the aberrations tried to scale the wall. They were cut down in the process of trying to do so.

The spawn began to scatter. Only the octopoid creation seemed to stand its ground. Bullets barely penetrating the epidermis of the monster, sounding like shells falling into soup, hardly causing it any harm. It lashed against the building of the hotel with its tentacles, tearing up rock, stonework, masonry, and glass from windows. One of the appendages reached up over the roof of the hotel, and in a frenzied response, was cut to pieces by weapons-fire.

The daemonic mist crept closer.

Meanwhile pseudopods stretched from the epidermis of the obscenity. They opened like sickly flowers, and expelled the amorphous jelly-fish creations. Instinctively the group ducked. Several landing on the roof, and leaping again. Most of them were shot down, torn to pieces. However one slipped by and attached itself to Donovan' face.

            This figures, he thought darkly, cynically. Then he felt a tentacle forcing its way down his throat. The hell you say. He saw it his mind's eye, as clear as day, even in slow-motion, as if he had seen it a hundred times before now. He pressed the plunger on the FAD cylinder, and fell over the side of the hotel roof.

Just as he hit the octopoid aberration, there was a great explosion, and fire raced to either side of the street, consuming all in its path, even as a cloud of fire rose to the second floor of the hotel, the concussion shaking the foundation of the motel, and shattering windows.

            The group was knocked to the ground. “What the fuck?” Justin vociferated. “What the fuck just happened?”

            No one had an answer.

            “I mean what the fuck?”

And then the sky was torn asunder thunderously as if by great jagged bolts of lightning, ebon and crimson, glowing sinisterly, that came from the fog crawling toward the beach, searing the firmament of early morning.

            “Stay down!” Danni commanded.

            A tremendous wind followed, and it roared with the howls of the damned.

The fissures became chasms that fell into dark abysses of cosmic relation, like space without stars. It was as if reality was ripped multitudinous, and from the many fissures and chasms came fire and spirits of dark dominion, screeching in horrifying ululation, and glee, like prisoners that had been released from their imprisonment. They tore at the group as they flew low--the world seemed to race passed them in an amazing frenzy.

Waves of radiant energy, heat, light, perhaps electricity scattered everywhere, seemingly tearing up the really real world that the group once knew, in a cataclysmic storm. With their eyes closed, the group saw apocalyptic visions of demons and aberrations invading our realm, even as they invaded the cosmos eons ago. The world was stripped of its technology, of its superiority, of its vitality; buildings crumbled under the onslaught of devils, super tsunamis crashed against the east and west coast of the United States and beyond. Deserts became oceans, mountains became islands, and the end came shortly thereafter. 


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